Thank you very much for this article! For a long time I have done exactly what you warn against. This article was a slap in the face - but a needed one. That being said, what is the value of an intuitive explanation? Is it to give a lay person an "ah-ha" moment? Is it good to have SOME understanding, even if it is "vague and mush?" nike air max air max nike cheap nike air max air max 2009 air max shoes air max 90
2 comentários:
Não te esqueças de contactar o Dèjan.
Thank you very much for this article!
For a long time I have done exactly what you warn against. This article was a slap in the face - but a needed one.
That being said, what is the value of an intuitive explanation? Is it to give a lay person an "ah-ha" moment? Is it good to have SOME understanding, even if it is "vague and mush?"
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